well, i really like the numbers 6 and 36 a lot, so probably something like this:
i was a6out to 6uy an 36ony ta6le, 6ut the store i went to was covered in spider w36s. i hate 6ugs!
(replacing "b"s with "6"s and "eb"s with "36"s.)
Search found 7 matches
- Fri Jan 14, 2022 7:00 pm
- Forum: Homestuck
- Topic: If You Had A Troll Quirk, What Would It Be?
- Replies: 110
- Views: 201494
- Wed Jan 05, 2022 6:22 pm
- Forum: Homestuck
- Topic: Positive Vibes.
- Replies: 10
- Views: 25483
Re: Positive Vibes.
I've started practicing Rose's haunting violin refrain on my violin. Maybe not-so positive vibes because it's kinda torture--
but I'm excited to eventually be good at it!

- Tue Dec 28, 2021 5:29 pm
- Forum: Homestuck
- Topic: Worst Character?
- Replies: 126
- Views: 274977
Re: Worst Character?
Andrew Hussie as a character. The way he (the character) chases Vriska and lusts after her gives me the weirdest vibes.
- Tue Dec 28, 2021 5:14 pm
- Forum: Homestuck
- Topic: fansongs/lyricstucks/animations appreciation thread?
- Replies: 4
- Views: 7232
Re: fansongs/lyricstucks/animations appreciation thread?
this one blew up on tiktok a while back
- Tue Nov 02, 2021 2:49 pm
- Forum: Homestuck
- Topic: How did you get introduced to Homestuck?
- Replies: 91
- Views: 147828
Re: How did you get introduced to Homestuck?
My friend was reading this page in the middle of class in 2015 and laughing at it. He kept quoting it when talking to me and I asked what he was reading. All he would say was "Homestuck," and no matter how many times I asked what it was about, he would just tell me to read it for myself and find ou...
- Sun Oct 31, 2021 11:44 pm
- Forum: Homestuck
- Replies: 9
- Views: 15548
The hand belongs to The Player, in the sense that at that point, Homestuck was still connected to it's adventure game roots. Another thing I've heard is that it's a callback to the homestuck beta (the version where every page was made in flash) which had the player drag and drop the cake themselves...
- Sun Oct 31, 2021 1:42 am
- Forum: Homestuck
- Topic: Favorite Homestuck Characters?
- Replies: 55
- Views: 80613
Re: Favorite Homestuck Characters?
Kurloz takes first place, with Gamzee in close second. Near the top of my list are Mituna, Calliope, Meulin, Nepeta, and Jade (is it obvious that I really like purple bloods for some reason?)