Search found 13 matches

by TrickleJest
Sat Dec 07, 2019 5:01 am
Forum: Forum Games
Topic: Ban the user above you!
Replies: 381
Views: 582692

Re: Ban the user above you!

Banned for not actually banning anyone.
by TrickleJest
Sat Dec 07, 2019 4:58 am
Forum: Forum Games
Topic: Destroy The Wall
Replies: 53
Views: 74585

Re: Destroy The Wall

I push Trump into Nega-Trump, resulting in mutual annihilation - which should hopefully cause an explosion large enough to damage the Wall!
by TrickleJest
Fri Dec 06, 2019 1:05 am
Forum: Homestuck
Topic: Unpopular Opinions Thread
Replies: 386
Views: 640476

Re: Unpopular Opinions Thread

Homestuck^1 (before chapter 1) is what I was referring to, sorry for the confusion. desu i think you might need to link it for me but thank you for clarifying! - I'm not saying a familiarity is necessary, but at least in the week between the content warnings' release and the story itself, they were...
by TrickleJest
Thu Dec 05, 2019 9:15 am
Forum: Homestuck
Replies: 158
Views: 500249


all vriskcourse is actually irrelevant. people dislike vriska because shes a fucking asshole and people like her because shes a fucking asshole. her charactet really is that simple
The best quote.
by TrickleJest
Thu Dec 05, 2019 9:09 am
Forum: The General Chat Forum
Topic: What Are You Grateful For?
Replies: 12
Views: 18218

Re: What Are You Grateful For?

TobeWonInToronto wrote:
Fri Nov 29, 2019 3:32 am
My friends. The ones that I *hope* exist.
I can be your friend if you want :p
I'm thankful for the fact that I have a roof over my head and food on my plate. Don't really need much more. Could be a lot worse.
by TrickleJest
Thu Dec 05, 2019 8:55 am
Forum: Forum Games
Topic: Ban the user above you!
Replies: 381
Views: 582692

Re: Ban the user above you!

Banned for using Yotsuba in your avatar and thus revealing her to the horror that is Homestuck.
Poor, sweet, precious Yotsuba.
by TrickleJest
Wed Dec 04, 2019 10:26 pm
Forum: Homestuck
Topic: Unpopular Opinions Thread
Replies: 386
Views: 640476

Re: Unpopular Opinions Thread

Also this will likely be very controversial but tagging your “content warnings” before every scene occurs in such an overt way (without at least putting them in a clickable spoiler with the words CONTENT WARNING above them so that they can, if need be, ignored) basically ruins any semblance of subv...
by TrickleJest
Wed Dec 04, 2019 4:39 pm
Forum: Homestuck
Topic: Of the characters most everyone hates, which is your favorite and why?
Replies: 23
Views: 34419

Re: Of the characters most everyone hates, which is your favorite and why?

I know I'm necro'ing this thread, but for me it's probably Caliborn and Epilogue Dirk. Honestly despite the fact that they aren't my favorite characters, I find it hard not to root for them when the spotlight is on them. I never really felt the desire to "stop" either, and in fact I found myself roo...
by TrickleJest
Wed Dec 04, 2019 4:20 pm
Forum: Forum Games
Topic: Ban the user above you!
Replies: 381
Views: 582692

Re: Ban the user above you!

Banned for not having 20/20 vision (pft, who needs glasses?).
by TrickleJest
Wed Dec 04, 2019 4:15 pm
Forum: Homestuck
Topic: Unpopular Opinions Thread
Replies: 386
Views: 640476

Re: Unpopular Opinions Thread

When it comes to content warnings, they are absolutely necessary, and they must be taken SERIOUSLY. If the actual, serious content warnings such as major character death, alcoholism, nudity, extreme violence and gore, etc, are not properly warned for, then a lot of people who shouldn't be there wou...
by TrickleJest
Wed Dec 04, 2019 2:08 pm
Forum: Homestuck
Topic: Unpopular Opinions Thread
Replies: 386
Views: 640476

Re: Unpopular Opinions Thread

Also this will likely be very controversial but tagging your “content warnings” before every scene occurs in such an overt way (without at least putting them in a clickable spoiler with the words CONTENT WARNING above them so that they can, if need be, ignored) basically ruins any semblance of subv...
by TrickleJest
Wed Dec 04, 2019 1:50 pm
Forum: Homestuck
Topic: Unpopular Opinions Thread
Replies: 386
Views: 640476

Re: Unpopular Opinions Thread

This has probably been said prior, but here's something from a Discord server I'm in: Even beyond the whole piss-in-your-face aspect god the writing is so bland Also this will likely be very controversial but tagging your “content warnings” before every scene occurs in such an overt way (without at ...
by TrickleJest
Wed Dec 04, 2019 1:43 pm
Forum: Forum Games
Topic: Destroy The Wall
Replies: 53
Views: 74585

Re: Destroy The Wall

I summon the Nega-Trump to unbuild the Wall!
(Also, hi there).