Dinosaur Comic Discussion: mistakes is sometimes regrets
Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2021 8:36 am
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← previousMarch 24th, 2021next
March 24th, 2021: Nice place to visit, but you wouldn't want to live there. Aw dang, I said "wouldn't" instead of "would" and "but" instead of "and". This only further reinforces my point!– Ryan
Source: http://www.qwantz.com/index.php?comic=3723

← previousMarch 24th, 2021next
March 24th, 2021: Nice place to visit, but you wouldn't want to live there. Aw dang, I said "wouldn't" instead of "would" and "but" instead of "and". This only further reinforces my point!– Ryan
Source: http://www.qwantz.com/index.php?comic=3723