Dinosaur Comic Discussion: liking easy things is easy, liking hard things is hard. thank u
Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2021 8:52 am
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← previousAugust 25th, 2021next
August 25th, 2021: I WROTE A NEW BOOK! It's called HOW TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD and it's non-fiction and it's the spiritual sequel to HOW TO INVENT EVERYTHING and it's got illustrations by Carly Monardo and it's really great and I hope you like it! You can find out more riiiight here. The book comes out March 15th, 2022 but you can reserve your copy this very minute!– Ryan
Source: http://www.qwantz.com/index.php?comic=3789

← previousAugust 25th, 2021next
August 25th, 2021: I WROTE A NEW BOOK! It's called HOW TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD and it's non-fiction and it's the spiritual sequel to HOW TO INVENT EVERYTHING and it's got illustrations by Carly Monardo and it's really great and I hope you like it! You can find out more riiiight here. The book comes out March 15th, 2022 but you can reserve your copy this very minute!– Ryan
Source: http://www.qwantz.com/index.php?comic=3789