I don't think Hussie's going to make anything that isn't Homestuck anymore

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Re: I don't think Hussie's going to make anything that isn't Homestuck anymore

Post by JakeMorph » Wed Dec 18, 2019 3:51 am

I would have thought the same thing, but there's some painfully Hip and New language in the book commentary.
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Re: I don't think Hussie's going to make anything that isn't Homestuck anymore

Post by ThePungeonMaster » Wed Dec 18, 2019 2:12 pm

Hussie has definitely changed in recent years. It is impossible to say whether this change is objectively better or worse, but it is discernible regardless.
Much of the writing for Homestuck in general has become much more "modern". It tends to incorporate more new-age slang like "vibing" and "chud," two words I had to actually look up the definition to, seeing as I don't associate much with the crowd that uses those words, that being the twitter community. It makes me think that any new project with the Huss at the helm will bear much of the same language used in HS^2 and Pesterquest.
I personally find such language obnoxious, as it feels as though it is deductive to the particular quirks that defined Homestuck up until it's newer iterations, and such language is so turbulent and memetic it becomes dated almost immediately after it enters common usage.
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Re: I don't think Hussie's going to make anything that isn't Homestuck anymore

Post by pfeffer-29 » Wed Dec 18, 2019 4:52 pm

ThePungeonMaster wrote:
Wed Dec 18, 2019 2:12 pm
[...]Much of the writing for Homestuck in general has become much more "modern". It tends to incorporate more new-age slang like "vibing" and "chud," two words I had to actually look up the definition to, seeing as I don't associate much with the crowd that uses those words, that being the twitter community. It makes me think that any new project with the Huss at the helm will bear much of the same language used in HS^2 and Pesterquest.
I personally find such language obnoxious, as it feels as though it is deductive to the particular quirks that defined Homestuck up until it's newer iterations, and such language is so turbulent and memetic it becomes dated almost immediately after it enters common usage.
Have any examples? I don't have the physical books, so I'm curious to see what everyone means by the Hip and New language.
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Re: I don't think Hussie's going to make anything that isn't Homestuck anymore

Post by BrobyDDark » Wed Dec 18, 2019 5:00 pm

pfeffer-29 wrote:
Wed Dec 18, 2019 4:52 pm
ThePungeonMaster wrote:
Wed Dec 18, 2019 2:12 pm
[...]Much of the writing for Homestuck in general has become much more "modern". It tends to incorporate more new-age slang like "vibing" and "chud," two words I had to actually look up the definition to, seeing as I don't associate much with the crowd that uses those words, that being the twitter community. It makes me think that any new project with the Huss at the helm will bear much of the same language used in HS^2 and Pesterquest.
I personally find such language obnoxious, as it feels as though it is deductive to the particular quirks that defined Homestuck up until it's newer iterations, and such language is so turbulent and memetic it becomes dated almost immediately after it enters common usage.
Have any examples? I don't have the physical books, so I'm curious to see what everyone means by the Hip and New language.
New language, aka Zoomerese, is comprised of sounds that don't mean much of anything on the surface, but hold deep meaning and sometimes many meanings. Yeet, for example.

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Re: I don't think Hussie's going to make anything that isn't Homestuck anymore

Post by ThePungeonMaster » Wed Dec 18, 2019 6:25 pm

pfeffer-29 wrote:
Wed Dec 18, 2019 4:52 pm
Have any examples? I don't have the physical books, so I'm curious to see what everyone means by the Hip and New language.
I don't own the physical books either, I got "vibing" from PQ and "chud" from HS^2. I'm just not surprised Hussie's writing style has changed, seeing as he now spends (as far as we know) most of his time with Aysha, Roach and company.
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Re: I don't think Hussie's going to make anything that isn't Homestuck anymore

Post by TH4NK YOU B3N » Wed Dec 18, 2019 8:06 pm

JakeMorph wrote:
Wed Dec 18, 2019 3:51 am
I would have thought the same thing, but there's some painfully Hip and New language in the book commentary.
book commentary is outsourced too /s

cool and new book commentary
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Re: I don't think Hussie's going to make anything that isn't Homestuck anymore

Post by sodafreq » Fri Dec 27, 2019 5:06 am

Honestly, I can imagine maybe ONE more MS Paint Adventure before Hussie stops totally. Even then, I feel like we won't get anything that's entirely him.
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Re: I don't think Hussie's going to make anything that isn't Homestuck anymore

Post by stark » Sun Feb 09, 2020 3:31 pm

treesine wrote:
Fri Dec 27, 2019 5:06 am
Honestly, I can imagine maybe ONE more MS Paint Adventure before Hussie stops totally. Even then, I feel like we won't get anything that's entirely him.
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Re: I don't think Hussie's going to make anything that isn't Homestuck anymore

Post by Roxy » Sun Feb 09, 2020 11:09 pm

BrobyDDark wrote:
Tue Dec 10, 2019 10:14 pm
ThePungeonMaster wrote:
Tue Dec 10, 2019 10:05 pm
I'd say the thing I'm going to miss most about any projects headed by Hussie going forward is his sense of humor during his earlier career, before Homestuck really took off. Without that kind of writing that isn't afraid to be offensive (so long as it's funny), I don't think Homestuck will ever be able to recapture everything of what it once was. Don't get me wrong, the "I feel so caucasian" joke was in poor taste, and it's just as likely HS^2 will forge an identity for itself totally independent of HS^1, but without the ability to be offensive, all of Homestuck^2's claims at irreverence just ring hollow.
Karkat's yelly nature means nothing if his insults lack bite, and Dave's devil may care personality loses a lot of its touch now that he does care.

The entire conversation where John says "I AM NOT A HOMOSEXUAL" would likely not happen today.
Sorry for reviving an old post but I felt obligated to add. While those specific instances may or may not be something he would do himself modern day, having read the mspa since 2013 I can agree that there is absolutely something wrong in the dialogue of hs^2. Not that the story direction is any different from what he wanted or that the characters are any different from how he wanted them, as far as I can see that stuff is just fine. But there is definitely something to be said for the way he writes that MADE mspa entertaining until he stopped writing for it. I think the extra offensive parts weren't even actually part of what made his stuff funny. He just COULD write good comedy and fun dialogue. Definitely is sad to not have any more of his writing around.

I hope he does something new soon
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Re: I don't think Hussie's going to make anything that isn't Homestuck anymore

Post by luigi » Tue Mar 17, 2020 2:23 pm

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Re: I don't think Hussie's going to make anything that isn't Homestuck anymore

Post by TH4NK YOU B3N » Wed Mar 18, 2020 10:00 pm

Roxy wrote:
Sun Feb 09, 2020 11:09 pm
BrobyDDark wrote:
Tue Dec 10, 2019 10:14 pm
ThePungeonMaster wrote:
Tue Dec 10, 2019 10:05 pm
I'd say the thing I'm going to miss most about any projects headed by Hussie going forward is his sense of humor during his earlier career, before Homestuck really took off. Without that kind of writing that isn't afraid to be offensive (so long as it's funny), I don't think Homestuck will ever be able to recapture everything of what it once was. Don't get me wrong, the "I feel so caucasian" joke was in poor taste, and it's just as likely HS^2 will forge an identity for itself totally independent of HS^1, but without the ability to be offensive, all of Homestuck^2's claims at irreverence just ring hollow.
Karkat's yelly nature means nothing if his insults lack bite, and Dave's devil may care personality loses a lot of its touch now that he does care.

The entire conversation where John says "I AM NOT A HOMOSEXUAL" would likely not happen today.
Sorry for reviving an old post but I felt obligated to add. While those specific instances may or may not be something he would do himself modern day, having read the mspa since 2013 I can agree that there is absolutely something wrong in the dialogue of hs^2. Not that the story direction is any different from what he wanted or that the characters are any different from how he wanted them, as far as I can see that stuff is just fine. But there is definitely something to be said for the way he writes that MADE mspa entertaining until he stopped writing for it. I think the extra offensive parts weren't even actually part of what made his stuff funny. He just COULD write good comedy and fun dialogue. Definitely is sad to not have any more of his writing around.

I hope he does something new soon
if he wouldn't write "i am not a homosexual" today, it's probably because readers have proven themselves too stupid to read between the lines. taking the line to mean he's canonically straight? you'd have to be gullible and an idiot.

the book commentary basically says so, even if hussie is way more polite about this than I am.

I think what I miss is Hussie's goofy style of infodumping? The mayor bonus update is exactly the kind of stuff I like, with portmanteaus and concepts being introduced to me at a speedy pace. It's kind of funny how everything feels slower even if having a week or two gap between updates isn't all that bad. Way too subdued.
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