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Obligatory Problem Sleuth Appreciation Thread

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2019 9:31 pm
by rubs juice
That's it that's the thread

It's good

If you read PS, then skip to the HS Intermission and read only that, you get a great experience out of it, because the two universes are surprisingly cohesive and compliment each other very well

Re: Obligatory Problem Sleuth Appreciation Thread

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2019 1:29 am
by TC
rubs juice wrote:
Sun Nov 10, 2019 9:31 pm
If you read PS, then skip to the HS Intermission and read only that, you get a great experience out of it, because the two universes are surprisingly cohesive and compliment each other very well
Incredibly true and right and good.
Broke: Skipping the Intermission.
Woke: Skipping to the Intermission.

Re: Obligatory Problem Sleuth Appreciation Thread

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2019 9:00 pm
by rookie1978
TC wrote:
Mon Nov 11, 2019 1:29 am
rubs juice wrote:
Sun Nov 10, 2019 9:31 pm
If you read PS, then skip to the HS Intermission and read only that, you get a great experience out of it, because the two universes are surprisingly cohesive and compliment each other very well
Incredibly true and right and good.
Broke: Skipping the Intermission.
Woke: Skipping to the Intermission.
It's kinda ironic that Spade's intermission is the best part of Homestuck purely because of how much Problem Sleuth energy it has

Re: Obligatory Problem Sleuth Appreciation Thread

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2020 3:22 pm
by Guy-Rocketram
Problem Sleuth used to be like, the greatest comic of all time to me. i remember just being blown away with its surreal humor being used to tell an epic story. some parts were so great i ended up getting up from my keyboard. also obligatory mention of weird puzzle tunes. i once listened to that album and trying to sync up the song to the part of PS i was at and it was an amazing experience.

Re: Obligatory Problem Sleuth Appreciation Thread

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2020 7:07 am
by egg
sexy sexy detective men

Re: Obligatory Problem Sleuth Appreciation Thread

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2020 5:43 am
by Sahxyel
egg wrote:
Mon Jan 13, 2020 7:07 am
sexy sexy detective men
truffle shuffle.gif
truffle shuffle.gif (35.44 KiB) Viewed 41626 times
I love them.

Re: Obligatory Problem Sleuth Appreciation Thread

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2020 3:35 am
by MorganMustDie

Re: Obligatory Problem Sleuth Appreciation Thread

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2020 8:58 am
by Oddhi
Dean Norris is the perfect pick for Ace Dick.

Re: Obligatory Problem Sleuth Appreciation Thread

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2020 11:15 pm
by Roxy
MorganMustDie wrote:
Wed Jan 15, 2020 3:35 am
Morgan, again with the Forbidden Truths. You can't keep doing this.
rookie1978 wrote:
Tue Nov 12, 2019 9:00 pm
It's kinda ironic that Spade's intermission is the best part of Homestuck purely because of how much Problem Sleuth energy it has
It honestly kinda is. I remember getting into homestuck in 2013 and thinking it was an amazing read. But when I was all caught up I read problem sleuth and it was just so much more engaging. I loved the characters and the community and the concept around homestuck but problem sleuth as a story? A complete package? Absolutely surpasses it and its really nice to have at least some of it in Homestuck

Re: Obligatory Problem Sleuth Appreciation Thread

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2020 9:11 am
by MorganMustDie
Roxy wrote:
Sun Feb 09, 2020 11:15 pm
Morgan, again with the Forbidden Truths. You can't keep doing this.
Just you wait until I drop my Bard Quest fancast. You're not ready.

Re: Obligatory Problem Sleuth Appreciation Thread

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2020 11:16 am
by luigi
What sucks about Homestuck is it makes it impossible for me to show people Problem Sleuth. I showed my friend some panels from PS and they thought it was so funny. They asked me for a link to read it but when I sent them they went oh it's a homestuck thing nevermind.

I tried explaining to them it was different but the damage was done :(

Re: Obligatory Problem Sleuth Appreciation Thread

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2020 3:28 pm
by Radical Dude 42
luigi wrote:
Thu Mar 19, 2020 11:16 am
They asked me for a link to read it but when I sent them they went oh it's a homestuck thing nevermind.
Well, I mean... there's always the backdoor to MSPA.

Which doesn't always work for Homestuck because of the fancy different layouts and themes, but since PS is only ever on the stock background and only ever has panels, it may actually work, and you could read the entire comic all the way through.

Anyway, let me appreciate Problem Sleuth a little, to keep it on-topic.


This panel rocks so much, whenever I think of "cool character-appearing/disappearing effects" my mind goes directly to this. Everything fades to inky blackness and then Death's visible parts twist away, like oil on water...

It is pretty much entirely kick-ass.

Re: Obligatory Problem Sleuth Appreciation Thread

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2020 2:52 am
by classpectanon
luigi wrote:
Thu Mar 19, 2020 11:16 am
What sucks about Homestuck is it makes it impossible for me to show people Problem Sleuth. I showed my friend some panels from PS and they thought it was so funny. They asked me for a link to read it but when I sent them they went oh it's a homestuck thing nevermind.

I tried explaining to them it was different but the damage was done :(

Re: Obligatory Problem Sleuth Appreciation Thread

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2020 6:52 pm
by uranianUmbra
Can someone convince me to give PS a try? I've always heard that its amazing but i've never been able to work up the motivation to read it. What's great about it? How is its rhythm and cadence compared to say, early homestuck?

Re: Obligatory Problem Sleuth Appreciation Thread

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2020 7:27 pm
by calamityCons
Problem Sleuth starts off just as slowly as Homestuck Act 1 does, but because its plot beats are primarily forum suggestions it has a very wacky and goofy progression similar to Acts 2-4.

Re: Obligatory Problem Sleuth Appreciation Thread

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2020 7:30 pm
by BrobyDDark
uranianUmbra wrote:
Wed Apr 15, 2020 6:52 pm
Can someone convince me to give PS a try? I've always heard that its amazing but i've never been able to work up the motivation to read it. What's great about it? How is its rhythm and cadence compared to say, early homestuck?
It's a lot simpler than Homestuck, has fun characters, and if you like Homestuck's humor, then Problem Sleuth is full of that.

Re: Obligatory Problem Sleuth Appreciation Thread

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2021 1:44 am
by itsyaboybigBerd
Oddhi wrote:
Wed Jan 15, 2020 8:58 am
Dean Norris is the perfect pick for Ace Dick.
I could also see Danny DeVito pulling it off pretty hilariously.

Anyway PS is great, and I have literally told people before, after explaining to them the format-concept of MSPA, "Don't read Homestuck, but Problem Sleuth is cool"