A young lass stands in her room. Thought it was only 15 years ago she was given life, it is today a project she has worked on almost her entire life will be complete.
Why don't you try giving her a name?
>Enter name.

The lass has wisened up to your shenanigans and will have none of it.
In fact, she had prepared for this very eventuality. No silly name for you.

>Examine room.

Your name is EVE. Just EVE.
You are the EXECUTIVE HALF of a RATHER LARGE PROJECT that occupies most of your time. You have a great number of NOTES from your PARTNER IN CRIME in your room, which you keep in NEAT STACKS, three in number as of now.
When you're not working on your PROJECT, which is admittedly not very much time, you enjoy MUSICAL THEATER.
What will you do?