Darkness. It's cold. Comforting. It pulls you in, drags you down into it's welcoming embrace. You're ready to give yourself to it, to become one with it - to let it pull you closer than anything before. Then it begins.
You're not sure where you are. You're not even sure what you are. First comes the noise - an ever increasing ringing in your ear, drilling straight through your skull and into your brain as it sinks it's hooks into your very being, and pulls you back into reality.
Your body aches. Every fiber of your being, every strand of muscle cries out as one, making it's presence terribly aware to you as the dull agony radiates through your nerves. You feel weak, as if even moving a finger would be a Herculean task, every shift making your stomach churn, every breath searing through your lungs. Your clothing feels freezing against your skin, soaked in sweat and blood; the binding around your wrist cuts into your skin sharp; the metal chair is cold and rough, stinging you straight through your outfit.
Wait, chair?
>Open your eyes.

Your eyes desperate for focus, the sudden light amplifies your migrane tenfold, and you're pretty sure one of your eyelids is swollen as skin pushes into skin. Yes, it sure seems like you're sitting on a chair, hands tied behind your back, which is the only thing that prevents you from falling forward at the moment, as the familiar sight of your legs welcome you. Trying to get your bearings, something gradually starts to seep through the high-pitched ringing in your ear. It seems like a low rumbling at first, but then as it gets clearer it sounds more and more like... talking. Like a conversation between at least two people. And considering your current situation, you doubt they are your friends - looks like you've gotten yourself into quite the situation, pal.