> Blepoose.
That's right! Your nick-name was BLEEPOOSE! You were assigned that name when you clicked RANDOM on an old MMO called CartoonSaloonOnline that you used to play with your best buddy, THE CHUNGLER. God, you two must've been about 11 when you played that game. So young. So naive. Honestly, you still play sometimes, but just when you're feelin' nostalgic. You almost decided to buy a members account again, but allowances don't come cheap these days! It's almost like you're being expected to start earning your own money or something. Yuck, dude. You can't be spending your limited coldhardcash on cartoon games for babies anymore,
> fuck it, go with Chud!
Anyway, enough dillying and especially enough goddamned dallying. You're wasting candlelight right now. It's time to introduce yourself already!
Your name is CHUD THUCK KANKLE, hip and young! As previously established, you are a HIP, YOUNG HIPPO TEENAGER! You love one thing, and that's BEING COOL! You also love one more thing, which is PLAYING SPORTS! You love to SKATE at the PARK with your BROS after school! You've also been known to HACKEY around a SACK or two, and you're PRETTY GOOD AT IT! You've been known to dabble a little in THE ILLICIT power of DANK MAGICKS from time to time, but the less said about that, the better.
This is a Christian server after all. Your parents wish you'd spend more time PLAYING GAMES like MAGIC: THE GATHERING, but you don't really have the right brain for games that involve STRATEGY! You'd rather lean on your SKILL and your MAGIC stat, choosing to dump your INTELLIGENCE and POWER.
When you're not chilling with your bros, you spend a lot of your time TRAINING and SPARRING both with your friends from the MARTIAL ARTS CLUB and with THE CUNK, whom you study under.
Now that we know a little bit about who you are, let's get this night freakin' STARTED!
> Call up Tony Hawk. He has some explaining to do.
Hm?? Oh, do you mean Toni Hawke?
You're absolutely right. The man borrowed your DRAGON BALL GT: A HERO'S LEGACY DVD, and you need it back ASAP! You wanted to watch it with a bro later!