Daz wrote: ↑Wed Nov 13, 2019 5:02 am
To be fair, she's one of the three(?) trolls who made it to the end who isn't god tier, so there's the obvious gap in powerlevel and she still did more than Karkat.
You're right that Karkat is pretty useless as well, out of the three that make it through the door only Terezi does anything incredibly meaningful and it's her GO self that was the one to do it.
sigmatic wrote: ↑Wed Nov 13, 2019 5:03 am
I mean, someone else could've stopped/killed Eridan too but Kanaya is the one who ended up stopping his rampage during Murderstuck (aside from the question if killing him was a good idea or not). Does it really matter if someone else could've done the actions she did?
I think it does to a degree. 'Things Only Kanaya Can Do' pop up and we get a gander at it. She's in a relationship with Rose who is spiraling after Cascade into a drunken stupor. The fate of her species propagation rests with her and ended up with a destroyed Matriorb ironically created by her own hand passing Eridan a presumably fake wand. She does a very big moment by crashing the x3 combo with killing Eridan as well as incapacitating Gamzee and Vriska and proves her martial superiority in a fight.
But we're talking the x3 showdown here with one of the combatants being Gamzee the Broken as Fuck. Vriska and Gamzee are potentially the two strongest of the trolls and were even noted to lay both the final fatal blow and the most grievous blow on their Black King. Eridan's claim to fame is still only overpowering Sollux's eye beams and killing Feferi with his wand! It's pretty unbelievable that Eridan would have survived this showdown regardless of Kanaya's intervention, and Gamzee definitely would have lived because it's Gamzee. Jury's out on how Vriska would have fared I suppose, but I don't think that was a moment Only Kanaya Could Do honestly. Kanaya really has no other moment where her being herself does any favors, as the moment where she cuts Gamzee in half during GO is interrupted by her getting incinerated and then never seen again along with GO Karkat.
Kanaya has really no effect on Rose's stability solo and GO attests to that, it's only when Vriska is around that Rose and her just 'work out' and she's not a drunk useless sack in the new timeline. Her whole thing about ensuring the future of her species is bunk because the big joke is she never really was important for any of it at all. She doesn't even give Roxy a speech or plea convincing her to let her species continue to live despite Roxy being the victim of a troll genociding her people. She ostensibly shouldn't have much of an inkling to just let these murderous aliens propagate without a good reason. But it all works out, so yay I guess?
I'm not saying this to be mean, I really loved Early Kanaya and her moment in Murderstuck was incredibly badass. I just wish it felt like there was more of a reason for her to keep around because it doesn't feel like she really matters as a person or the feats she does, only who she has a romantic entanglement with.