Forget all that, I'm ready for StevieQuest2020
Ah, but loop around back to my point, we shall, for the setting being barren does not inform us about the characters in the slightest. And here, we depart, for you use a Watsonian approach as opposed to my Doylist, and I call upon the fact that Homestuck was built upon with only a loose skeleton, lots of sprites, and reader interaction, and as such, detailed analysis like this are not 100% reliable, and the same goes for asking Andrew about such changes now.I meant to talk about the barrenness as a neglected aspect of the setting to be explored. Exploring the setting will help inform our understandings of the characters, and vice versa.
Directly accepting reader commands ended before Act 5, I think? And then it opened again, but only to accept troll names. I guess he took input from the fandom. No more than any other story with an online following, but on a quicker timescale than it would have if it were a television show.burnt2ashleys wrote: ↑Tue Dec 24, 2019 5:55 pmI call upon the fact that Homestuck was built upon with only a loose skeleton, lots of sprites, and reader interaction, and as such, detailed analysis like this are not 100% reliable, and the same goes for asking Andrew about such changes now.
But it's not you that is asking the wrong questions. You're talking about the other writers and how they're prioritizing the wrong things, asking the wrong questions. And I don't think there's anything you can do about that. I also don't know why you'd want to make them ask those questions when you could simply tell people what's being neglected. "Focus on this." Okay, what about it? "If you focus hard enough, it'll be obvious." No, it's not.TT: You say you don't lie, but what about lies of omission?
Lies of omission do not exist.
The concept is a very human one. It is the product of your story writing again. You have written a story about the truth, making emotional demands of it, and in particular, of those in possession of it.
Your demands are based on a feeling of entitlement to the facts, which is very childish. You can never know all of the facts. Only I can.
And since it's impossible for me to reveal all facts to you, it is my discretion alone that decides which facts will be revealed in the finite time we have.
If I do not volunteer information you deem critical to your fate, it possibly means that I am a scoundrel, but it does not mean that I am a liar. And it certainly means you did not ask the right questions.
One can make either true statements or false statements about reality. All of the statements I make are true.
TT: Unless you're joking.
TT: Haa haa, hee hee, hoo hoo?
And what does this tell us about the nature of the story? That it wasn't pre-planned in earnest. As such, an in-depth analysis of Homestuck must take such past unpredictability into consideration. To illustrate more clearly, an image:I guess he took input from the fandom. No more than any other story with an online following, but on a quicker timescale than it would have if it were a television show.
Never have I implied such a thing, though! What I meant was that it was a faster approach to the process, not that it was easier! Much of the best art in Homestuck (as made by Andrew, if you'd like to narrow that down) lies in the first 5 acts, for example.I wonder what point there is in distinguishing between Watsonian and Doylist interpretations in something as meta as Homestuck, where the issues with the Homestuck Kickstarter (a major cause of delays and disillusionment) are directly mentioned. You talk about how Homestuck is a sprite comic, as if that makes it low effort?
Now, you're losing me here. My point in the last post was: Andrew Hussie stitched the story in a somewhat haphazard manner, using a variety of methods, employing the skills of a variety of people (see https://i.imgur.com/IZUCrKa.png), and he was skilled enough to do so for 2 years, which is quite an accomplishment (and one the whole scene of webcomics hasn't been able to come close to fully).I don't need to tell you that Hussie is actually a genius that intended for us to fixate on minutae like this. I only need to say that I don't think the things you are pointing out detract from the story and that it adds to the themes.
You misunderstand. Skaia within the story doesn't do much, and therein lies the problem. You mention how Homestuck is "meta", so let me offer a rebuttal in the same terms: You know that the characters are merely ideas within your head, yes?I'm not sure how Skaia damages the story if Skaia is the story? I mean, not literally, but I'm wondering how the downplaying of Skaia's influence is bad if you think Skaia is bad for the story.
Again, you miss the point: I'm not treating Homestuck as immutable here. We must treat it as such, because we have (and always have had) the power to change it, and this includes changing staples of the comic itself, like predestination. In fact, I would go so far as to say that predestination is one of the sources of Candy Rot, for it gives no room for real suspension, stakes and tension.What kind of Homestuck doesn't have predestination in it? What kind of Homestuck doesn't have characters trying to defy it?
Book commentary I got from the extension.All of those blocks in the 8x8 grid there are numbered correctly, which as I recall was fairly painstaking. There are exactly 10,000 tiny squares there (each represents a green power cube), but each block is 12x12, and the vertical/horizontal paths of 4 squares wide are subtracted from the 10K total, so the numbers weren't very even. Oh, also take note of the GPS coordinates which point to a real place in upstate New YoAUGH WHY IS EVERYTHING SO NUMERICALLY METICULOUS, OH MY GOD, ROSE PLEASE JUST DO SOMETHING FUNNY AND DISTRACT ME FROM THIS PEDANTIC NIGHTMARE I HAVE CREATED.