You rush over to this odd, harmless stranger... MAMA MIA that's a big sword! it radiates with a familiar aura
I: "Aw, poor-a bambino, is-a okay here, have-a green-apple a-candy... tell Italian what-a happen to-a you"
Junior Italian sees your instant selflessness
JI: "PAPA ITALIAN-O! I-a KNEW you-a be the a-kindest papa! This-a Guy got here while you a sleeping... he's having a-hard time"
You are filled with Fatherly Pride +15 spirit.
ONE: I guess it all started with my mother she was... chaotic... Then she started seeing this guy and they said I had to consume some things, so I TRIED... like, what choice did I HAVE?... well, turns out... He's way bigger than me, and right when I needed her most she just... LEFT?? ME?? THERE??? SOB sob SOB*luckily the guy was cool and let me slink away but my stupid STEP DAD dropped me off in this weird place where some hands were either arguing or doing battle with some heinous googly moogly... *SOB*It came at me so I slashed at it with this SWORD that like... Killed?? my?? step dad?? I guess??. I don't know.. it's all SO SCREWED UP *sob*... It slowed him down but not before he RIPPED OF MY TENDRICLES... so I ran and ran until I got here, and just started CRYING. Your son has been helping me through things... you've really raised a good kid here err...?
I: Italian... Papa Italian (PI)
JI: And-a I AM JUNIOR ITALIANO nice to meet-a you, mister-a?
ONE: call me... ONE? I guess?
JI: No, nono that is-a awkward... I call-a you UNO
with all this sobbing UNO has yet to eat his Green-apple candy