>Find a keyhole
You decide to take a look around the room for keyholes.

Looks like the door only opens from one side. You'd hate to be a jailman and get locked in here with some sort of cellmate. Luckily you're the prisoner here so that's not happening.
You investigate the pumpkin only to find a keyhole in it! You do not question this strange choice of carving in any way.
> Breakdance furiously
The pumpkin clicks as if something was unlocked and you are suddenly filled with joy and cannot stop yourself from dancing.
(I swear further updates will not be this huge. Also feel free to commentate on events if you want. Its looking like for the most part i'm going to be using the first command for suggestions unless one is really good. This update was technically two combined because i didn't update for a day or two and felt the need to catch up.)