Yeah, you don't think you'll be able to clean all these holes in the walls. Aaand there's more blood in the room through this one. Hoo boy.

Huh. What a weirdly shaped door.
Additionally, there are hoofprints leading out of that room. Which. Has some kind of chair in it?
Maybe someone was... keeping a cow in here?
To be honest, you've got no fucking clue what's happening. You never really pay much attention to any door other than the janitorial closet door. The ones with windows often have shutters on them or are too dark to see inside. Saves on this place's budget, you guess.

Looks like the cow must've been. Struck by sudden random lightning??
Ok, you give up.
Oh hey, a room labelled with a drawing of a bucket!! Which is a janitorial cleaning supply!!! You've been needing one of those for a while.

You are now the bucket. Your entire life has been spent stuck in this dark containment cell. You don't even remember a time you were free.
Then again, you don't remember much.
When you see the light, you start to wonder if you maybe finally died. From starvation or something. But then you remember that you don't need to eat.
This guy looks friendly. That mop he has looks pretty neat too.
You think that you and this guy who just opened your containment door are gonna be best friends.