If you wish to partake in the "story" I've been crafting for 9+ years, here's the best Reading-Order guide I can provide:
1. FAQstuck(2013-2019?): A fanventure about the kids on GameFAQs that played Sburb. It's original intent regrettably lost in a shuffle of meta bullshit and real-world events, the story is a living, ever-changing leviathan that shows the growth of my artistic ability and the effect that Homestuck has had on my growth as a person.
2. The Lost Esoteric Texts: the tumblr blogs relating to Becomeimp, The Act Update Cherub, HussieTwitter, and the twitter accounts relating to Marlon B. Rando and GamTav4Lyfe. All deleted on December 8th, 2015 and relating to both my horrible behavior in the fandom and the interconnecting lore of FAQstuck. The details and impact of these can be found hidden amongst all my works. An amount of these texts can be unearthed across the web and the Wayback Machine, but the gremlining process to uncover them yourself is part of the experience. These are real-world events, not made up lore. I hurt people, I hurt myself for years, and now I use that pain to fuel my creative works, like a cliche tortured artist. I've put a lot of effort into making amends, truthfully looking for apologies I'm undeserving of, and hope that after 4 years its an okay thing for me to talk about openly, as they matter a lot to my art.
3. HomestuckFlashRips(2016-2018, Mostly): Vent memes. But also the story of a girl on Earth C who still deserves her own branch in this narrative. She'll get it soon I hope.
4. Homestuck.info: The site itself, but particularly the meta-multi-media projects Cannary and Strider. Strider is still in development and will act as the bridging content between FAQstuck and HomestuckTwo.
4 1/2. Two fragments exist of Strider that are already published: > S.S. Lesbian. Population: FUCK THIS. and >Dissonance of Narrators, On the Subject of Intent.
5. Untitled Homestuck.info self-parody: In development.
6. HomestuckTwo.(2019-Ongoing): The sequel to Homestuck, to FAQstuck. A blank slate for me to vent my thoughts on creative storytelling, author/fandom relations, and fandom politics.
I can expand on these topics much more, but its simpler to read through what's here and take from it as you will. But a short extra paragraph for context:
Dealing with real-world events in a fictional environment is to me, a method of coping. There's people who will see what I make and apply a malicious intent, as they did with the real Homestuck Epilogues. While I can stand my ground as the author and deny such claims, I see intent as something a lot more.... Fluid. It likes to change form, make a mess of things, become something new at the slightest touch. I welcome anyone to interpret my works however they like, my only input on the matter is to say that I create in the moment, everything is a snapshot of the second it was created, and not a second after. But intent can be shaped by future events, by past information revealed... by Context. You can probably just read the Dissonance fic and take more from that than what I'm saying here to be honest.
Authors like to apply very short explanations of Intent to their narratives: "I made this to Entertain", "I made this to Inform", "I made this to test my abilities", and if I was tied to a chair and forced at gunpoint to say such a thing about any piece of creative work I've ever made, I'd spit on my assailant's shoes, stick my tongue out at them, and probably be turned on.
TL;DR: I wrote some shit. You can read it I guess?