If it's incomplete, I'll be updating it as I go, I just wanted to stir up some discussion on the definitions I've got.
The Breath has to do with smell, odor and scent but also inhalation/exhalation and vapor (Old English æðm “air exhaled from the lungs”). The aspect of Breath in Homestuck has to do with feelings of awe (”breathtaking”) and superficial, fleeting things, like youth, beauty and beliefs/dreams. Breath also is responsible for fluidity of movements (walking, dancing, swimming, figure skating, etc.) and confidence (or lack of it - the metaphorical spine). Breath responds to feelings of carlessness or caring a lot (to be an airhead) and feeling alive and/or suffocated (literally and metaphorically). Breath aspect also is tied with ability to fly and float and with volume of voice tied with capability of lungs (being heard/unheard, shouting, mumbling, stuttering, etc.).
The Blood aspect means “to gush, swell, spurt” or “that which bursts out” (wording “bhlo-to”). It can also be tied to Gothic “bloma” which ties to “flower” and “to thrive, bloom”. It also means inheritance and relationship senses as in “person of one’s family/race/kind”. In 1300 it was also tied to meanng of “hot spark, a man of fire” and in 1530 there was “blood money” coined (money paid for death of another) and in 1660 “to get blood from the stone” (to do the impossible). “Fresh blood” (new member of organization) is from 1880. In Homestuck, aspect of blood is one of the least explained and shown aspects, but there’s several things that can be said about it - it ties to flesh and blood (actual blood and blood color present in troll race) and societal problems like racism and inheritance (hemocism). Blood comes to place when there are consequences abound due to given demands

and it’s the force to act at the sudden need or demand.
Blood also is supposed to connect and/or be the connecting force, f.e. transporting oxygen from lungs to cells in the whole body.
The aspect of Light has to do with literal light (so shining, emitting rays, glimmering) but also lack of it (darkness, invisibility). This aspect is tightly tied to ability to be seen and noticed - be it by standing out of the crowd or through being different in some way (being “special”), but also the ability to see things like truth or knowledge without being the one to make it or posses it first (that’s Mind aspect) - so powers of mind control, making someone tell things or discovering things that could be useful. It also is tied to fortune and luck and ways it influences the person or how the person uses it.
The aspect of Void is tied to nothingness, emptiness and a lack - be it physical (like holes or lack of weapon) or metaphorical (psychological feeling of emptiness, lack of certain emotions, inability to feel empathy, etc.). Void also is connected to creation as it could be considered a blank page or card (tabula rasa, basically) you can create on and take from what you need, depending on the class.
Aspect of Time is tied to time itself - but also the fact it’s running out (so, awareness of own death and mortality in general), passing of time (both wasting of it and being productive), time travel and timelesness connected to immortality and lack of it through means like having incurable fatal sickness.
The aspect of Space has to do with literal space - so, location an object takes and relocation of it, size of it and making something smaller or larger. Space should not be confused with Void aspect in case of lack or nothigness, even if “empty space” is something you could describe Void with. All heroes of Space also have a recurring theme with being fashionable and taking interest in clothes (Jade alchemizes lots of dresses, Kanaya partakes in dress sewing as a hobby and Porrim - probably not for the first and not the last time - makes Kankri wear sweater she has made herself). Aspect of Space could also be distinctively linked to ability of teleportation and removal (like teleporting enemy out of your personal space and locating them somewhere else).
A Heart aspect corresponds with emotions, self, individual goals and intuition.

It also is linked to life force (the one that makes you move before you even think about what you’re doing) and can be considered to be a container for pure and impure thoughts (sin versus lack of it) and thus, is also a vessel for the mind (Mind and Heart aspects might be opposites but they’re very tightly linked together). You could say that heart represents your conscious goals, as for when heart is dead/gone, you lose focus on what you wanted to achieve.

Terms “soul’s desire” and “heart’s desire” are interchangable after all.
There’s additionally the problem with possible splintering.
The Mind aspect is connected to thinking, reasoning and logic. As ideas it can be thought in terms of understanding (reality, charades, quests, self, etc.) and memory and it’s loss. This also is connected to picturing and visualizing things and the literal seeing or lack of it as eyes are embodiments of character’s mind in Homestuck and just like Heart aspect, it’s connected to the idea of “soul”, but from the sense of discussion and act of planning and not hotblooded, reasonless desire.
Aspect of Life has to do with literal life as in existence, cultivation of it, possible revival, continuity of it or also lack of it as life is inevitable tied with eventual end of it, which means death (however, not as much as Time and Doom aspects) but also transistion (like between dead and living selves or into godtiers) and even “another life” (like dreambubbles or alternate form of leading a life like on Beforus/Alpha session or Alternia/Beta session due scratch).
The aspect of Doom means law, judgment, condemnation (Old English dom), but also judgement and law and putting place to (sth) and attention (Lithuanian dome). Modern sense of fate, ruin and destruction is from 1600, from the finality of the Christian Judgment Day. In Homestuck, aspect of Doom is tied to gloom, finality and uselesness/hopelesness.


There’s also a good side of the said aspect, as it’s “letting go”

cause when you can’t do anything about what awaits you

then you can as well be happy about having no responsibilities to others/yourself/fate.

The Rage aspect has to do with anger, aggression, wrath and feeling of madness - associated with fierceness but also passion, violence and madness (also coming from insanity or physical sickness like rabies). This is linked to physical violence

but also mental violence like need for harm and grief and also feeling of contempt, uneasiness and discomfort coming from lack/damage/trauma.


Rage also is linked to feelings of fear, panic and avoidance.
The aspect of Hope means “confidence in the future” (old English), “expectation of something desired”, “trust, confidence; wishful desire”, also “to have trust, have confidence; assume confidently or trust” (that something is or will be so). It can also mean “leaping in expectation” and to “hold to hope in the absence of any justifiction for hope”. Hope in Homestuck also is tied to motivation, belief in illogical things, faith and miracles (including having faith in the said miracles or the lack of it)
The Breath has to do with smell, odor and scent but also inhalation/exhalation and vapor (Old English æðm “air exhaled from the lungs”). The aspect of Breath in Homestuck has to do with feelings of awe (”breathtaking”) and superficial, fleeting things, like youth, beauty and beliefs/dreams. Breath also is responsible for fluidity of movements (walking, dancing, swimming, figure skating, etc.) and confidence (or lack of it - the metaphorical spine). Breath responds to feelings of carlessness or caring a lot (to be an airhead) and feeling alive and/or suffocated (literally and metaphorically). Breath aspect also is tied with ability to fly and float and with volume of voice tied with capability of lungs (being heard/unheard, shouting, mumbling, stuttering, etc.).
The Blood aspect means “to gush, swell, spurt” or “that which bursts out” (wording “bhlo-to”). It can also be tied to Gothic “bloma” which ties to “flower” and “to thrive, bloom”. It also means inheritance and relationship senses as in “person of one’s family/race/kind”. In 1300 it was also tied to meanng of “hot spark, a man of fire” and in 1530 there was “blood money” coined (money paid for death of another) and in 1660 “to get blood from the stone” (to do the impossible). “Fresh blood” (new member of organization) is from 1880. In Homestuck, aspect of blood is one of the least explained and shown aspects, but there’s several things that can be said about it - it ties to flesh and blood (actual blood and blood color present in troll race) and societal problems like racism and inheritance (hemocism). Blood comes to place when there are consequences abound due to given demands

and it’s the force to act at the sudden need or demand.
Blood also is supposed to connect and/or be the connecting force, f.e. transporting oxygen from lungs to cells in the whole body.
The aspect of Light has to do with literal light (so shining, emitting rays, glimmering) but also lack of it (darkness, invisibility). This aspect is tightly tied to ability to be seen and noticed - be it by standing out of the crowd or through being different in some way (being “special”), but also the ability to see things like truth or knowledge without being the one to make it or posses it first (that’s Mind aspect) - so powers of mind control, making someone tell things or discovering things that could be useful. It also is tied to fortune and luck and ways it influences the person or how the person uses it.
The aspect of Void is tied to nothingness, emptiness and a lack - be it physical (like holes or lack of weapon) or metaphorical (psychological feeling of emptiness, lack of certain emotions, inability to feel empathy, etc.). Void also is connected to creation as it could be considered a blank page or card (tabula rasa, basically) you can create on and take from what you need, depending on the class.
Aspect of Time is tied to time itself - but also the fact it’s running out (so, awareness of own death and mortality in general), passing of time (both wasting of it and being productive), time travel and timelesness connected to immortality and lack of it through means like having incurable fatal sickness.
The aspect of Space has to do with literal space - so, location an object takes and relocation of it, size of it and making something smaller or larger. Space should not be confused with Void aspect in case of lack or nothigness, even if “empty space” is something you could describe Void with. All heroes of Space also have a recurring theme with being fashionable and taking interest in clothes (Jade alchemizes lots of dresses, Kanaya partakes in dress sewing as a hobby and Porrim - probably not for the first and not the last time - makes Kankri wear sweater she has made herself). Aspect of Space could also be distinctively linked to ability of teleportation and removal (like teleporting enemy out of your personal space and locating them somewhere else).
A Heart aspect corresponds with emotions, self, individual goals and intuition.

It also is linked to life force (the one that makes you move before you even think about what you’re doing) and can be considered to be a container for pure and impure thoughts (sin versus lack of it) and thus, is also a vessel for the mind (Mind and Heart aspects might be opposites but they’re very tightly linked together). You could say that heart represents your conscious goals, as for when heart is dead/gone, you lose focus on what you wanted to achieve.

Terms “soul’s desire” and “heart’s desire” are interchangable after all.
There’s additionally the problem with possible splintering.
The Mind aspect is connected to thinking, reasoning and logic. As ideas it can be thought in terms of understanding (reality, charades, quests, self, etc.) and memory and it’s loss. This also is connected to picturing and visualizing things and the literal seeing or lack of it as eyes are embodiments of character’s mind in Homestuck and just like Heart aspect, it’s connected to the idea of “soul”, but from the sense of discussion and act of planning and not hotblooded, reasonless desire.
Aspect of Life has to do with literal life as in existence, cultivation of it, possible revival, continuity of it or also lack of it as life is inevitable tied with eventual end of it, which means death (however, not as much as Time and Doom aspects) but also transistion (like between dead and living selves or into godtiers) and even “another life” (like dreambubbles or alternate form of leading a life like on Beforus/Alpha session or Alternia/Beta session due scratch).
The aspect of Doom means law, judgment, condemnation (Old English dom), but also judgement and law and putting place to (sth) and attention (Lithuanian dome). Modern sense of fate, ruin and destruction is from 1600, from the finality of the Christian Judgment Day. In Homestuck, aspect of Doom is tied to gloom, finality and uselesness/hopelesness.


There’s also a good side of the said aspect, as it’s “letting go”

cause when you can’t do anything about what awaits you

then you can as well be happy about having no responsibilities to others/yourself/fate.

The Rage aspect has to do with anger, aggression, wrath and feeling of madness - associated with fierceness but also passion, violence and madness (also coming from insanity or physical sickness like rabies). This is linked to physical violence

but also mental violence like need for harm and grief and also feeling of contempt, uneasiness and discomfort coming from lack/damage/trauma.


Rage also is linked to feelings of fear, panic and avoidance.
The aspect of Hope means “confidence in the future” (old English), “expectation of something desired”, “trust, confidence; wishful desire”, also “to have trust, have confidence; assume confidently or trust” (that something is or will be so). It can also mean “leaping in expectation” and to “hold to hope in the absence of any justifiction for hope”. Hope in Homestuck also is tied to motivation, belief in illogical things, faith and miracles (including having faith in the said miracles or the lack of it)