I invite peeps here to make their own species for paradox space, sburb sessions or otherwise.
I have na idea for a species known as Fairies. Fairies are in fact anthropomorphized insect peeps that exist on a planet with a bizarre fungal moon as its source of 'sunlight'. Basically imagine oddly sexy bug furries.
Fairies come in two major if related subspecies, Moths and Spiders. Both species produce silk, which they weave into clothing and tools, and are kinda mysticish in their technology. Bopth species are capable of flight, though Moths are superior flyers. Closely tied to aspects and suprrisingly individualistic, boht produce bio luminescence that dead give away their aspects and can manifest them to limited degrees. Timebound being able to increase their speed or slow theri perception of time, for example.
Relationships tend to be homosexual and reproductive relationships tend to be Cannibalistic Transexual.
I will explain wtf i just typed there when show the casts.
First we have queens, of course cause bug species are always antlike things even when they are literally humanoid moths and spiders. They tend to be like 12 to 20 feet tall, live for millennia, and are closely empowered by the Majyyks. They are very aware of Aspects by instinct, even the incarnations of the species that aren't destined to play Sburb.
PRincesses are potential queens that often serve as major advisors. While most Fairy colonies work well internally, Princesses are often trying to best each other in order to gain favor from their Mother. Spiders are especially ambitious and have sometimes been known to kill their sisters, albeit this can bring outrage from the Queen if found out.
Next we have Amazons, warrior class. Normally stand size feet tall and have a powerful if feminine build. Both spiders and moths use poison, spiders spitting it and moths through theri wings, and have weapons like in Phantasy Star Online.
After, maids. Maids are more or less equivalent to worker ants that keep the infrastructure running, short of bringing in Amazons for more heavy lifting. They produce superior silk to their Amazon counterparts and are very creatively minded. They are also prone to be rather prov active and horny, much to their Amazon counterparts dismay.
Nuns are the nursemaid/religious core of a Fairy colony. Nuns are quite mystical and are almost as rare as Princesses, keeping peace and protecting and selecting the young, and casting other eggs out into the wilderness, if for a certain purpose.
Then comes the last cast. Males. As the naming may imply, naturally the Fairies are born female much like most insect colonies. When the eggs are cast into the wilderness, those that survive hatch into whatever cast they were going to be born as. Over time and in isolation though, they begin to change mentally, ultimately resulting in a metamorphosis. They will pupate and during this process, actually Change their Sex into a male. This process can happen to any caste except for queens, and it is more difficult for Princesses to go through it. It can also happen to an individual not cast into the wilderness, but it is described as more traumatizing and physically painful.
Males gain advanced physical strength and stamina compared to female fairies, in some cases more so than Amazons or rivaling Princesses. They are however compeltely flightless and compeltely lose use of the majyyk and the unique aspects of their original caste. They then head off, surviving on their own for a while, but often forming their own communities. Eventually a male may become compelled to mate, but many resist the compelling feeling, for they know their fate if they do.
When a male falls in love with a female, they will court for many years. Get to know each other, go on dates, maybe move into the colony. However unlike the sometimes sexual interpersonal relations of female to female and male to male, the courtship is ultimately very chaste. Because the ultimate fate of the Male if they do reproduce, is death. After copulation and impregnation, the male will suddenly die, infusing his long repressed energy into her. The female is then compelled to eat her mate, often tearfully, in order to extract every last drop of energy. She then cocoons herself and goes through a transformation into a fertile female. The transformation increases her size and bestows and abdomen, which gives her both more vitality, and the ability to lay eggs.
IT is almost always from other colonies though. Incest is detrimental to their species, just like humans. Sometimes its even from the other subspecies. Sometimes princesses will pair with a male of another subspecies, but this will create a queen who randomly births both moth and spiders alike.
I do not know if its possible for a Male to turn to Female though. Theoretically if being in the wilderness causes the sex change metamorphosis then living long enough in a colony could trigger a change back.
The preferable coupling is a male and a princess as it is the only way for a new queen to be born, whose size is an even more drastic increase. It is relatively rare for males to couple with other castes as it only produces a fertile female of only slightly increased size and only able to birth her own caste. It can be useful to ease the reproduction of the Queen.
To note the coupling is mostly optional and such relationships have been forced in the past to produce queens or more fertile females to help ease reproduction in times of war or conflict. However the males have long since shown hostility. Especially the spiders.
Spiders may or may not eat people. It would probably be infrequent cause they are still related to moths. But they are carnivores.
Also i am under the impression transexual is considered an offensive term to some transgender people. I used the term to emphasize that the sex change is from a reproductive standpoint.
there is my weird paradox space/sburb species out into the world.
Create a Paradox space species!
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Re: Create a Paradox space species!

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Re: Create a Paradox space species!
I kinda wish it was a fact that a certain part of the human population had dog ears and tales thanks to jade XD
- rookie1978
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- dualfallen
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Re: Create a Paradox space species!
I call it the "Tetrix"

The Tetrix is the only one of her kind.
She likes to cry lots and lots of elf tears and flood places
Sneeze lots of weasel snot all over the place
Puke tasty pie filling everywhere
And excrete gross hog slop
She's a pretty great menace to society (but really only one of my fan-characters in particular)

The Tetrix is the only one of her kind.
She likes to cry lots and lots of elf tears and flood places
Sneeze lots of weasel snot all over the place
Puke tasty pie filling everywhere
And excrete gross hog slop
She's a pretty great menace to society (but really only one of my fan-characters in particular)