You have stated that Homestuck has always been about subversion and that's a big no-no.ThePungeonMaster wrote: ↑Fri Nov 29, 2019 9:23 pmI don't have much an argument to make here. The fact that this moment completely betrays all conventional wisdom and is a massive "fuck you" to the audiences expectations. But Homestuck has been all about flouncing expectations since day one, for better and especially for worse.
Since when the hell was Homestuck about this "subversion" shit? I fucking hate it and I hate it SO much. Acts 1-5 were always INCREASING my expectations, making them hope for something even bigger, and I GOT those "bigger things" with Descend, John: Rise Up(which was being taunted at us since the beginning, the whole part of the kids rising as heroes) and finally Cascade. Even fucking hivebound, which is the only thing that immediately reminds me as "subversive", still had the pacing of original homestuck and at the very least, the trolls were funny stupid imperialist bug aliens so their batshit insane relationship mechanics were somewhat interesting, but actual teen drama? where the FUCK did this shit come from? who the fuck looked at the crazy banter those 13 year old kids messaged between each others and said "yep, this is a deep character drama alright."? HOW? A lot of the times the kids are rarely talking about themselves and more about the plot or what they have to do. Relationship dynamics only came in when the trolls arrived and even then they were somewhat focused on the IMPENDING DOOM RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEIR FACES to bother with relationship romance bullshit.
The great retcon wasnt funny, it wasnt interesting(SPECIALLY FOR LIVE READERS) and it only proved that Hussie wasnt writing the story as well as he was doing in the early acts, instead choosing to be VERY pretentious with the meta shit, and, to the surprise of no one, failing completely on it. If your "subversions" make your story worse, then you should stop writing them in.
Undertale is a "subversive" game too but it actually did it's subversions well because it was always subverting into something better and more interesting(or at the very least, funny), none of them felt like a rude "FUCK YOU" from the developer to me and because of that, the story itself wasn't compromised and UT was still able to masterfully deliver its message. Homestuck's post act 5 "subversions" feel like a broken mess of pretentiousness made by a teenager trying to be "deep" and write a surprising story, only to end up with a fucking uninteresting shitshow.
So yeah, no. Homestuck's
one more thing,
from this 3 minute flash, only 40 seconds of it had Act 6+ content in it, most of the whole thing was shenanigans from acts priorThePungeonMaster wrote: ↑Fri Nov 29, 2019 9:23 pmto the point where there was a 3 minute flash illustrating why every ounce of those time shenanigans was important.
the only thing act 6 added was Caliborn closing the loop.
you should.ThePungeonMaster wrote: ↑Fri Nov 29, 2019 9:23 pmWho knows, maybe I should go back and read Homestuck all the way through and see if my opinion changes.
if I were to write the greatest story ever told, and right at the very end, give a massive "fuck you" to my readers and destroy the entire narrative, I woudn't be regarded as genius or a good writer, only a massive fucking dumbass.

I would like to leave, as a piece of opinion at the end, that this whole mindset that "Homestuck has always been about subversion" is a bad one and I should make an effort to show why its bad so the community understands why the direction WP is taking homestuck is a very bad idea. So far, Hussie and the team haven't shown anything interesting done with the whole concept besides the 20 minute window where Dirk allowed reader commands back in, so why should we trust them to keep going with this whole stuff instead of going back to a more traditional story?