Nights Falling Apart
Re: Nights Falling Apart
Another minor update: Last minute travel is happening, so activity will be slow to non-existent until about Friday or so.
Current works: fanventure
Still alive, living slowly
Still alive, living slowly
Re: Nights Falling Apart
This still exists actually. Basically I have been beset by computer issues ever since I crossed the border and then my tablet broke which made it hard to draw new sprites and such. That's all fixed now.

That's... probably the best course of action you could take. The sewers are filled with freaks and mutants, but the chance of getting jumped by one is... close enough to zero.

But enough of that. The safe route is the boring route, that's all there is to say about that.

Your name is Afionn Zirnon. You enjoy POP MUSIC and PAINTING, and have a penchant for COMBINING THE TWO by painting over photos of your FAVORITE BANDS.
You also like SEWING and are QUITE ADEPT at it. You've made MORE THAN A FEW outfits for a FRIEND on request. You'd even make them for more friends if your FRIEND CIRCLE wasn't EXTREMELY SMALL.

That's... probably the best course of action you could take. The sewers are filled with freaks and mutants, but the chance of getting jumped by one is... close enough to zero.

But enough of that. The safe route is the boring route, that's all there is to say about that.

Your name is Afionn Zirnon. You enjoy POP MUSIC and PAINTING, and have a penchant for COMBINING THE TWO by painting over photos of your FAVORITE BANDS.
You also like SEWING and are QUITE ADEPT at it. You've made MORE THAN A FEW outfits for a FRIEND on request. You'd even make them for more friends if your FRIEND CIRCLE wasn't EXTREMELY SMALL.
Current works: fanventure
Still alive, living slowly
Still alive, living slowly
Re: Nights Falling Apart
Afionn: tell me why
- MP the OP OG
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Re: Nights Falling Apart
Afron:: show us some of said outfits
Many thoughts head full (but most of the thoughts are shitposts)
Re: Nights Falling Apart

Ain't nothin but a mistake-
Ah, actually you're not really into that band. You have some of their CDs because your- well, you can't exactly define your relationship with Slezer. He bought a few of them for you, but you think he just does it to annoy you. You should get around to getting rid of them eventually.
Current works: fanventure
Still alive, living slowly
Still alive, living slowly
Re: Nights Falling Apart
>Examine CD collection
- luigi
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Re: Nights Falling Apart
>Contemplate why your hive is so empty and small despite your status as a purple-blood.
spambot wrote:The passion amongst men is increasing.
Re: Nights Falling Apart

You spend most of your time on land- the only two trolls you really spend time with are landdwellers anyway. As such, you keep most of your things on land- you even considered moving out of the water before one sleep's worth of DAYMARES scared you off the idea.

You flip through the CD ALBUM you keep INSIDE YOUR DESK. You have all your favorites up front and-
>Afionn: Grimace

One of Slezer's weird albums in the back. He keeps trying to get you to listen to his favorite bands but well... they sound TERRIBLE. You bet you could pawn that CD off onto CG, she likes weird annoying music.
>Afionn: Show us some of the previously mentioned outfits

For obvious reasons, most of those are at her hive, not yours. You do still have this pair of pants you need to hand off to her though. You should do that soon.
Edit: Ninja edit because I edited the text halfway through writing the upd8 and didn't think to proofread while I was awake
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Still alive, living slowly
- luigi
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Re: Nights Falling Apart
>Cuddle plush Octo-Lusus
spambot wrote:The passion amongst men is increasing.
Re: Nights Falling Apart

You do love your plush lusii. Your own lusus is LONG DEAD of OLD AGE of course, but even now you still enjoy the comfort.
Current works: fanventure
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Still alive, living slowly
- luigi
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Re: Nights Falling Apart
>Recall how your LUSUS died.
spambot wrote:The passion amongst men is increasing.
Re: Nights Falling Apart

Not much to say about that. Lusii don't live long once their charges hit adulthood. You spent your first nights as an adult watching over your dying lusus, and then that was it.
>Afionn: Message Slezer

Might as well deal with that before you eat and swim to land for the day. Usually you'd rather just text, but the LAST TIME you tried to text Slezer he started complaining about how he "D9ESN'T HAVE UNL1M1TED TEXT1NG" and "D9N'T FUCK1NG TEXT BEF9RE DAWN UNLESS 1T'S AN EMERGENCY"
You have no idea why he doesn't just get a better fliphusk plan, honestly.
Current works: fanventure
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Still alive, living slowly
- luigi
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Re: Nights Falling Apart
>Slezer: Answer Afionn
spambot wrote:The passion amongst men is increasing.
Re: Nights Falling Apart
Slezer: IMMEDIATELY begin talking about music
- Posts: 42
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Re: Nights Falling Apart
Re: Nights Falling Apart
>Afionn: Be the other guy

You swore you said not to text before dawn. You're charging for these ones.
>Afionn: Get ready for breakfast

You proceed to have a conversation we've already read, then get ready to set out.
You load CG's PANTS into a bag, and stow your cape while you're at it. Swimming in a cape is never fun.
Things Happening
These two panels were supposed to go up with a special page, but making that page is taking longer than I initially anticipated. It's still happening but here's these while I work.
Current works: fanventure
Still alive, living slowly
Still alive, living slowly
Re: Nights Falling Apart
there was supposed to be a flash page (actually html5) today but after exporting and hosting it, it's completely non-functional so I'm just making a normal video file. it'll be up with some new pages hopefully soon.
Current works: fanventure
Still alive, living slowly
Still alive, living slowly
- luigi
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Re: Nights Falling Apart
rambling, life
Yeah anyway my health is in the tank (don't worry I'm safe, it's unrelated to the pandemic) so ultimately I just converted everything to gifs

>Afionn: Swim ashore

With FOOD out of the way, you swim to land, taking a minute to adjust yourself.
>Afionn: Finish eating

You always did prefer to save the best part for last.
>Afionn: Hit the town

???: blech. its. so. dead. tonight.
???: <<Patience, patience. The night is still young, is it not?>>
???: <<I think we can find something for entertainment still.>>
???: if. you. say. so...
???: <<I do say so. Why don't we go find out where the life is, hm darling?>>
???: fine. fine.
???: hope. we. find. something. fun. chekov.
???: <<Patience, patience. The night is still young, is it not?>>
???: <<I think we can find something for entertainment still.>>
???: if. you. say. so...
???: <<I do say so. Why don't we go find out where the life is, hm darling?>>
???: fine. fine.
???: hope. we. find. something. fun. chekov.
Current works: fanventure
Still alive, living slowly
Still alive, living slowly