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>legs: Commandeer a robot minion body and sneak into tha ship. Sometimes space piracy must begin with space sleuthery
- luigi
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RancidRancor wrote: ↑Wed Apr 22, 2020 1:20 am>Legs: Commandeer a robot minion body and sneak into the ship.

You would, but during the commotion with those red tentacles you got launched out into space! You aren't sure how you're going to go about commandeering a new robot body... Actually, hold that thought.

Oh hey it's that toy robot from the ROBOT's SHIP! What's it doing way out here?
RancidRancor wrote: ↑Wed Apr 22, 2020 1:20 am>Legs: Commandeer a robot minion body and sneak into the ship.

You guess this thing counts as a body. You stick yourself into it. The TOY ROBOT powers up, leeching off your energy instead of AA BATTERY POWER. You now have access to the TOY ROBOT's entire arsenal, including EYES and another set of small LEGS. Oh yeah, and a rocket.
>Legs: Rocket back to the big ship.

The TOY ROBOT has a very WEAK rocket unfortunately, so... this is going to take a while. The red ship is now being swarmed by those purple guys. You hope they aren't mad at you for killing their friend. Maybe you should be quiet about that, in case they haven't found out yet.
Last edited by luigi on Sat May 02, 2020 3:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
spambot wrote:The passion amongst men is increasing.
- 23toedbasket
- Posts: 269
- Joined: Mon Mar 02, 2020 4:33 pm
>Use your new body to take a look at that purple worm, and the arm/fork looking thing from the first panel
- luigi
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23toedbasket wrote: ↑Thu Apr 23, 2020 9:13 pm>Use your new body to take a look at the arm/fork looking thing.

It's the ROBOT's other ARM! It's in the opposite direction from where you're headed now, and it doesn't seem to be very useful to you right now so you decide to disregard it.
23toedbasket wrote: ↑Thu Apr 23, 2020 9:13 pm>Use your new body to take a look at that purple worm.

Is it purple? You thought it was blue, but now you think it's purple. Maybe having eyes (ARTIFICIAL OCULI) has changed your perception of certain things around you. Who knew vision could be so impactful! You suddenly begin wondering how the fuck you were functioning before you had eyes. Do you have some sort of magic leg sense or somesuch that you're unaware of on a conscious level perhaps? Oh yeah that worm thing. You've never seen anything like it, and aren't sure where it's headed, flying through space so fast. You doubt you could catch it with just this dinky toy rocket.
spambot wrote:The passion amongst men is increasing.
- 23toedbasket
- Posts: 269
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>Legs: juuuust in case the worm can see you, gesture rudely at it as you fly towards the ship
>Head: check out that platform looking thingy in the corner
>Head: check out that platform looking thingy in the corner
- luigi
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23toedbasket wrote: ↑Fri Apr 24, 2020 12:20 am>Legs: juuuust in case the worm can see you, gesture rudely at it as you fly towards the ship

You flail around to the best of your ability in an attempt to communicate some sort of hateful gesture towards the worm, as pirates are ought to do. Unfortunately, this TOY still lacks ARMS, so you can't do too much. Besides, the worm looks to have some pretty thick skin - both figuratively and literally.
23toedbasket wrote: ↑Fri Apr 24, 2020 12:20 am>Head: check out that platform looking thingy in the corner

You be the ROBOT's HEAD in the present, while it bes itself in the past, and EXAMINE the platform looking thingy in the corner. It's a doohickey, probably capable of doing some gizmo-like things and taking actions in line with what a machine would normally do. Beyond that though you can't say too specifically what its purpose is, as you've never seen or heard of it before noticing it just now. Using your ROBO-SENSES you detect some sort of ELECTROCHEMICAL ENERGY thrumming within. It is surrounded by water though so you can't get any closer than this.
The BUNNY on your HEAD begins to freak out. It doesn't like being this close to the water it seems.
Last edited by luigi on Mon Apr 27, 2020 12:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
spambot wrote:The passion amongst men is increasing.
>Use your new legs to jump over the fence
- 23toedbasket
- Posts: 269
- Joined: Mon Mar 02, 2020 4:33 pm
take the double A batteries out of the controller and put them in the toy!
- luigi
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You attempt to JUMP over the FENCE but your LEGS resist! Immediately in your HEAD you understand that whoever created you programmed these LEGS with a strict obedience to RULES, LAWS, and ORDER. Dammit! As long as these LEGS keep acting square, you won't be able to SEQUENCE BREAK these puzzles!
You'll have to find another way around.

Stumped by your inability to hop the FENCE, you turn back to the platform with the cool triangles. You find yourself drawn to these shapes for some reason...

Meanwhile (kind of), in the future/present, you begin thinking back on all your fond ELF FANTASY memories. You remember the time you stumbled upon an entire complete box-set containing 10 Volumes of ELF FANTASY MANGA. The minutes spent scanning the pages with your photographic memory, your inability to relate to a lot of distinctly emotional human-centric themes... man, those were the days.
Wait a second you've seen another funny triangle shape recently, and it wasn't inside of ELF FANTASY...

It was on the deck of the FRIGATE! You can't quite remember what those platforms do though... maybe continuing to delve through your memories will reveal the answer?
23toedbasket wrote: ↑Sun Apr 26, 2020 1:49 pm>Take the double A batteries out of the controller and put them in the toy!

Controller? You guess controller could be a synonym for SWITCH or LEVER, but regardless you're pretty sure this thing doesn't run on batteries. Which is fine, because there are two on the floor over there near the hats.

You pick up the BATTERIES...

And you power up the TOY!

The TOY ROBOT is now yours to command! What do you and your new buddy do first?
spambot wrote:The passion amongst men is increasing.
- BrobyDDark
- Posts: 669
- Joined: Thu Nov 21, 2019 12:16 am
>YEET him onto the triforce pad
- Posts: 57
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>pickup that spoked wheel looking whatever next to the blocks. BE CLUMSY and knock the blocks over while u do.
- luigi
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You pick up your new buddy. Sorry pal, it's for science!

You toss the little thing over the shallow pool and land it successfully on the funny triangles.

The platform vaporizes the TOY ROBOT! The poor thing has been slain... you are overcome with grief.
Oh wait no it's over there now! This platform must be a SPACIAL REPOSITIONER.
RancidRancor wrote: ↑Tue Apr 28, 2020 3:59 pm>pPickup that spoked wheel looking whatever next to the blocks.

Okay well we already established that it's a BUCKLER, or SMALLROUNDSHIELD but yeah you pick it up and EQUIP it on one of your arms. Oh fuck you knocked over those blocks.
spambot wrote:The passion amongst men is increasing.
- BrobyDDark
- Posts: 669
- Joined: Thu Nov 21, 2019 12:16 am
>yeet self and rabbit onto teleporter
>Cinnamon: break clowns legs with a chair so he cant survey so good if hes activated.
- luigi
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You're too scared of falling in the water to make the leap of faith required for such a maneuver. You just toss the BUNNY over.

The CHAIR's plastic legs shatter on contact against the CLOWN's metal legs. This idea seemed pretty feasible in your head.

Sam does you a solid by engaging his mantra - WORK SMARTER, NOT WITH MORE EFFORT - and simply disposes the CLOWN LEGS in the WASTE DISPOSAL. The CLOWN is now a paraplegic, good job!
You thank Sam for his efforts.
spambot wrote:The passion amongst men is increasing.
- BrobyDDark
- Posts: 669
- Joined: Thu Nov 21, 2019 12:16 am
>Flim: Give the clown a makeover
Film> create a mouth seal with the clown to go check out the possible exit route in the garbage disposal shoot.
- luigi
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Oh hell no this was a horrible idea. Why do they make the clown robots with teeth? Your brother says that this is hands down the most awful thing he's ever laid eyes on. There is literally no good to be found in this thing. It's pure CLOWN.

While the mouth seal technique might be good for conserving oxygen while heading down the disposal chute, you'll still need some way to ensure you don't just slip right to the bottom in case there's an incinerator or straight up outer space on the other end.
You could possibly use ROPE or a STRETCH ARMSTRONG DOLL and have Flam hold onto the other end, but... he's kind of a puny weakling, and him dropping you is a pretty realistic outcome.
Fuck now you're thinking about clown makeouts.
spambot wrote:The passion amongst men is increasing.
Flam> create oxygen seal with clown and go down the garbage disposal to see where it leads whilst
Film> create a rope for the boys to hold on to on their way down
*there is no incinerator because the disposal shoot is cool*
*it does not lead to outer space because there is oxygen in their room and gravity that never alters*
Film> create a rope for the boys to hold on to on their way down
*there is no incinerator because the disposal shoot is cool*
*it does not lead to outer space because there is oxygen in their room and gravity that never alters*