Do you like Homestuck? Pokemon? Want to see the glorious sight of what happens when you mash those two together? Then you’re at the right place.

Sburbmon is a romhack of Pokemon FireRed, made to look, sound and feel as much like Homestuck as a Pokemon game can.

Starting out in Maple Valley, you play as one of two Andrew Hussies, tasked with catching wild Sburbmon and using them to fight your rival Ryan North as well as the many Sburbmon Gyms scattered around the Dreambubbles.

Currently the game is incomplete, but we are working hard to bring the finalized game to you! All Homestuck characters will eventually be able to be caught within the game though, so if you happen to have a particular love for Liv Tyler the bunny, then fear not, she’s in the game too.
To download the current beta, check out the Download link below, and if you have any questions, please check the FAQ. If you can’t find an answer there, just ask us! We’ll be happy to answer.
-- Download --
Optional: Epilogue Gender Patches
Patch Notes
New Things:
- Prospit has been opened up! Explore the city, defeat the White Queen's Lair, and more.
- New Sburbmon: Added Kurloz line to Route 13 and a secret unlockable mon at the top of Skaianet HQ.
Evolution Stone Update:
- You can finally obtain every kind of Evolution Stone!
- Scratch and Kernel Stones have been added to the Derse Black Market, and more elusive stones like the Sucker and Kernel2 Stones are located in Prospit.
Early Game Cleanup:
- Adjusted the map edits to Route 1/2/3 and LOWAS
- Route Theme 1 has been added
- Run has been enabled from game start. As such, there's a new present waiting for you upon defeating Typheus.
- Catching tutorial has been made optional
- Cleaned up some NPC text that was still too close to default
Sylladex Changes:
- National Dex is no longer required to be stealth-given. It doesn't break old save files that have it, but things look nicer if you don't.
- Unobtainable mons have been placed outside of the main dex, so the empty entries for the Dino Trio (and more?) won't taunt you
- Habitats have been changed into Categories and properly set up
- Size comparison has been replaced with something more useful: It now displays the base stats for the Sburbmon as well as their abilities.
Bugfix Things:
- Fixed GT Vriska switching abilities on evolution
- Fixed Ryan's incorrect palette in the naming screen
- Fixed Sollux's gender marker not displaying
Misc Things:
- Ectoslime's ability is now Liquid Ooze, because Gooey was causing problems
- Removed Spikes from the game because I didn't actually fix it
- Horsaponi has been removed from the wild (you can still trade an NPC for it)
- The bell noise when you ride your Pony has been replaced with a more appropriate horse noise
- The Pokedollar symbol has been replaced with the Boondollar symbol
- Polished up the Trainer Battle theme
- Various mon movesets have been adjusted
- Various mon base stats have been adjusted
- Various items names and icons have been updated
- Various mon sprites have been cleaned or updated
Known Bugs:
- Sburbmon with the ability Download do not appear to be affected by trainer-used status moves.
- Clicking Save in the menu and then cancelling glitches the menu text. Purely visual, disappears when you close the menu.
- The trade screen has some glitchy visuals going on
- Sburbmon with the ability Solid Rock (H. Boxcars) do not appear to have any weaknesses. This glitch is visual only; super effective damage is indeed applied.
- If GrubTerezi paralyzes you during the very first battle, the icon will not appear
Q. How do I run this thing?
(Gif tutorial, if you prefer)
- Download the following:
- The latest patch
- Visual Boy Advance 1.8.0 beta 3
- A clean, 1.0 rom of Pokemon Fire Red. Due to legal reasons, we cannot directly link one. Google is your friend. There’s a bad rom floating around that isn’t compatible with the game, so as a hint, the correct one includes the human word for ‘nut creature’. - Unzip VBA and the rom.
- Place the rom and the patch in the same folder, and rename them both to Sburbmon.
- Open up VBA, and ensure your save settings look like this and that ‘Automatic IPS Patching’ is marked.
- Hit File > Open, then select the rom. The title screen should very clearly say Sburbmon, and you’re good to go.
If automatic patching isn’t working, or you want to run the game on alternate devices eg. Android, make a backup of the ROM and patch it using Lunar IPS. Do note that you will have to delete the patched ROM and patch a fresh one each time there is a patch update.
Here is a tutorial on running the game on Android, if you'd like to play that way.
Q. I can’t save? / 1M circuit board is not installed?
A. Ensure you have your save settings set like this. Note that you will have to make a new save file in order for the changes to take effect.
Q. The game just shows a white screen when I run the rom.
A. Looks like you’ve downloaded a version 1.1 rom; ensure that you download a version 1.0 and it should run correctly. (Hint: May involve the human word for ‘nut creature’.)
Q. My Trainer ID is 00000! / My wild-caught Sburbmon don’t obey me! / Everything looks glitchy!
A. There seems to be an incompatible Fire Red rom out there that causes all these weird issues. Try downloading one from a different source. (Hint: May involve the human word for ‘nut creature’.)
Q. I have a suggestion...
A. This project has been running for a fair amount of time, so there's a possibility that something you want to suggest has already been discussed or decided on. Check this box for a rundown on what we've decided.
The Opening: We decided to cut out the Gengar/Nidorino fight, because we can. Title screen is this.
Professor Oak: Doc Scratch.
Player Character: Andrew Hussie, in his in-Homestuck appearance. The second character is Troll Hussie (the one with the Virgo shirt and horns).
Rival: Ryan North.
Mom: Ms. Paint
Daisy Oak: Has been moved to her own house, is just a resident of Maple Valley
Nurse Joy: A random Prospitian - a recolor of Ms. Paint
Teacher: Still just a random old guy
Brock: A Dersite Cosplaying Typheus.
Team Rocket: The Felt.
Bill: Has been deleted; The LOLAR Skaianet Lab is abandoned.
Misty: A Prospitian Cosplaying Cetus.
Lt. Surge: A Dersite Cosplaying Hephaestus.
Mr. Fuji: Will be Spades Slick; he will fill the role of who gives you the Music Box (Pokeflute) but doesn't stick around town.
GAMEFREAK: These will obviously be us.
Erika: Black Queen.
Sabrina: White Queen.
Koga: A Prospitian Cosplaying Echidna.
Blaine: White King.
8th Gym Leader: Black King
E4: Various LE-related characters; Handmaid, ICP, Batterwitch, Doc Scratch
Champion: Lord English.
Gym Leaders:
Gym 1 - LOWAS: Typheus
(GrubTavros, GrubRufioh, John)
Gym 2 - LOLAR: Cetus
(Vriska, Aranea, Rose)
Gym 3 - LOHAC: Hephaestus
(Damara, Dave, DeadAradia, RoboAradia)
Gym 4 - Derse: Black Queen
(Clubs Deuce, Hearts Boxcars, Diamonds Droog, Jackspers Noirlecrow)
Gym 5 - LOFAF: Echidna
(Calliope, GT Porrim, GT Kanaya, GT Jade)
Gym 6 - Prospit: White Queen
(AR, WV, GT Jane, GT Jake, Bec Blanche)
Gym 7 - The Veil: White King
(Grandpa, Dave's Bro, Rose's Mom, Dad, Nannasprite)
Gym 8 - The Battlefield: Black King
(GT Equius, GT Nepeta, GT Eridan, GT Feferi, GT Sollux, GT Aradia)
Starters: Baby John, Grub Karkat, Baby Jane.
Rival's Team: Baby Dave if you picked Baby John, Grub Terezi if you picked Grub Karkat, Baby Roxy if you picked Baby Jane. Dino Comics Trio, Two Others; see here
Cherubs: You receive a Baby Cherub from an egg; it's the only natural one in the game. ATK > DEF = Caliborn, DEF > ATK = Calliope. A Sarswapagus (stone) can be used to switch between the two, but this will not work once they go GT at Lv 40.
Fossils: Nektan and Mierfa, the canon fantrolls.
Legendaries: SBaHJ are our Legendary bird switch-ins.
Types: The Vanilla Pokemon types. No changing em to aspects.
Teachy TV: Gone, it breaks when you start changing things too much.
TMs: These will be known as Fraymotifs (FMs). HMs are Hidden Motifs.
Breeding: Will take place in the Veil; There's also an Ectoslime Sburbmon that functions as Ditto.
World Map: Click here
Whole Game: The game in its entirety is you as Andrew Hussie going through Dreambubbles.
Pallet Town: Maple Valley, John/Jane's Hometown.
Viridian City: The Battlefield
Gyms: Generally phrased as Denizen Lairs, even though the last four aren't actually Denizens
Viridian Forest: Currently just a forest; meant as an analogue to the Lost Weeaboo forest, or wherever Rufioh hung out
Pewter City: LOWAS (Land of Wind and Shade).
Pewter Museum: A movie theatre, featuring Con Air and other such John titles
Mt. Moon: LOCAS (Land of Caves and Silence).
Cerulean City: LOLAR (Land of Light and Rain).
Nugget Bridge: Boonbuck Bridge.
Bill's Lab: An abandoned Skaianet Lab.
Route 5 Daycare Center: Still there.
Vermillion City: LOHAC (Land of Heat and Clockwork).
Pokemon Fan Club: LOHACSE
S.S. Anne Replaced with a Rap Battle competition. Emphasis on the battle.
Diglett's Cave: LOWAA (Land of Wrath and Angels)
Power Plant: Abandoned Lab
Rock Tunnel: LOCAH (Land of Crypts and Helium)
Lavender Town: LOTAK (Land of Tombs and Krypton)
Celadon City: Derse
Game Corner & Rocket Hideout: A casino that the Felt have taken over
Saffron City: Prospit
Fighting Dojo: A Rap Dojo (With prizes of Squarewave or Sawtooth)
Silph Co.: Skaianet HQ
Route 17 (Aka Cycling Path): Some sort of horse haven, aka a hybrid between LOSAZ and wherever all the (S) Ride flashes take place on.
Fuschia City: LOFAF (Land of Frost and Frogs).
Safari Zone: Hellmurder Island Safari, featuring the lusii and other guardians
Seafoam Isles: Meteor Labs. Geromy room will be jpg artifacted
Cinnabar Island: The Veil
One-Three Islands: Other various troll planets
Victory Road: The Green Moon
Indigo Plateau: Scratch's Mansion
Minor Things:
Items: See the BMC.
Berries: Different types of Grist.
Rods: Magic wands, fake or otherwise.
Bicycle: Maplehoof.
Professor Oak: Doc Scratch.
Player Character: Andrew Hussie, in his in-Homestuck appearance. The second character is Troll Hussie (the one with the Virgo shirt and horns).
Rival: Ryan North.
Mom: Ms. Paint
Daisy Oak: Has been moved to her own house, is just a resident of Maple Valley
Nurse Joy: A random Prospitian - a recolor of Ms. Paint
Teacher: Still just a random old guy
Brock: A Dersite Cosplaying Typheus.
Team Rocket: The Felt.
Bill: Has been deleted; The LOLAR Skaianet Lab is abandoned.
Misty: A Prospitian Cosplaying Cetus.
Lt. Surge: A Dersite Cosplaying Hephaestus.
Mr. Fuji: Will be Spades Slick; he will fill the role of who gives you the Music Box (Pokeflute) but doesn't stick around town.
GAMEFREAK: These will obviously be us.
Erika: Black Queen.
Sabrina: White Queen.
Koga: A Prospitian Cosplaying Echidna.
Blaine: White King.
8th Gym Leader: Black King
E4: Various LE-related characters; Handmaid, ICP, Batterwitch, Doc Scratch
Champion: Lord English.
Gym Leaders:
Gym 1 - LOWAS: Typheus
(GrubTavros, GrubRufioh, John)
Gym 2 - LOLAR: Cetus
(Vriska, Aranea, Rose)
Gym 3 - LOHAC: Hephaestus
(Damara, Dave, DeadAradia, RoboAradia)
Gym 4 - Derse: Black Queen
(Clubs Deuce, Hearts Boxcars, Diamonds Droog, Jackspers Noirlecrow)
Gym 5 - LOFAF: Echidna
(Calliope, GT Porrim, GT Kanaya, GT Jade)
Gym 6 - Prospit: White Queen
(AR, WV, GT Jane, GT Jake, Bec Blanche)
Gym 7 - The Veil: White King
(Grandpa, Dave's Bro, Rose's Mom, Dad, Nannasprite)
Gym 8 - The Battlefield: Black King
(GT Equius, GT Nepeta, GT Eridan, GT Feferi, GT Sollux, GT Aradia)
Starters: Baby John, Grub Karkat, Baby Jane.
Rival's Team: Baby Dave if you picked Baby John, Grub Terezi if you picked Grub Karkat, Baby Roxy if you picked Baby Jane. Dino Comics Trio, Two Others; see here
Cherubs: You receive a Baby Cherub from an egg; it's the only natural one in the game. ATK > DEF = Caliborn, DEF > ATK = Calliope. A Sarswapagus (stone) can be used to switch between the two, but this will not work once they go GT at Lv 40.
Fossils: Nektan and Mierfa, the canon fantrolls.
Legendaries: SBaHJ are our Legendary bird switch-ins.
Types: The Vanilla Pokemon types. No changing em to aspects.
Teachy TV: Gone, it breaks when you start changing things too much.
TMs: These will be known as Fraymotifs (FMs). HMs are Hidden Motifs.
Breeding: Will take place in the Veil; There's also an Ectoslime Sburbmon that functions as Ditto.
World Map: Click here
Whole Game: The game in its entirety is you as Andrew Hussie going through Dreambubbles.
Pallet Town: Maple Valley, John/Jane's Hometown.
Viridian City: The Battlefield
Gyms: Generally phrased as Denizen Lairs, even though the last four aren't actually Denizens
Viridian Forest: Currently just a forest; meant as an analogue to the Lost Weeaboo forest, or wherever Rufioh hung out
Pewter City: LOWAS (Land of Wind and Shade).
Pewter Museum: A movie theatre, featuring Con Air and other such John titles
Mt. Moon: LOCAS (Land of Caves and Silence).
Cerulean City: LOLAR (Land of Light and Rain).
Nugget Bridge: Boonbuck Bridge.
Bill's Lab: An abandoned Skaianet Lab.
Route 5 Daycare Center: Still there.
Vermillion City: LOHAC (Land of Heat and Clockwork).
Pokemon Fan Club: LOHACSE
S.S. Anne Replaced with a Rap Battle competition. Emphasis on the battle.
Diglett's Cave: LOWAA (Land of Wrath and Angels)
Power Plant: Abandoned Lab
Rock Tunnel: LOCAH (Land of Crypts and Helium)
Lavender Town: LOTAK (Land of Tombs and Krypton)
Celadon City: Derse
Game Corner & Rocket Hideout: A casino that the Felt have taken over
Saffron City: Prospit
Fighting Dojo: A Rap Dojo (With prizes of Squarewave or Sawtooth)
Silph Co.: Skaianet HQ
Route 17 (Aka Cycling Path): Some sort of horse haven, aka a hybrid between LOSAZ and wherever all the (S) Ride flashes take place on.
Fuschia City: LOFAF (Land of Frost and Frogs).
Safari Zone: Hellmurder Island Safari, featuring the lusii and other guardians
Seafoam Isles: Meteor Labs. Geromy room will be jpg artifacted
Cinnabar Island: The Veil
One-Three Islands: Other various troll planets
Victory Road: The Green Moon
Indigo Plateau: Scratch's Mansion
Minor Things:
Items: See the BMC.
Berries: Different types of Grist.
Rods: Magic wands, fake or otherwise.
Bicycle: Maplehoof.
First of all, you'll want to check The Big Mon Checklist; it's the best way to track what’s done and not done.
If there's something you want to do, here are a few guidelines:
Battle Sprites: Must be 64x64 px, 15 colours max with a 16th background (transparent) colour. Backsprites must share the same palette as their frontsprite.
Movesets: Any 3rd gen move is available, plus a select amount of 4/5/6th gen moves, see here
Abilities: Any 3rd gen ability is available, plus a select amount of 4/5/6th gen abilities, see here
Wiki (Under Construction)